What is Climate Change?
Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge of the 21st century. Records show that, in recent decades, the atmosphere and oceans have been getting warmer, the amount of snow and ice has been decreasing and sea levels have been rising. The predictions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change show that climate change will have profound implications for mankind's ability to progress economically, socially and culturally. Its effects may lead to loss of biodiversity, loss of food production capacity, and profound changes in current ecosystems, leading to an imbalance that is detrimental to mankind.
In Portugal, according to information provided by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA), in the last three decades, in about 80% of the years, the average annual temperatures recorded were above the average of the 1971-2000 Climate Normal. In the future, faced with a scenario of lack of emission control, Portugal could reach average temperature increases of up to 7ºC in the summer and a reduction of 20-40% in precipitation (SIAM II project).