The ECOPROGRESSO project consisted of the calculation of the carbon footprint of the water consumed in the Belas Clube de Campo (BCC) in 2010, the carbon stock assessment, and the carbon sink potential of plant species currently growing in the condominium.
The carbon footprint of the water consumed in the BCC was calculated based on two distinct areas: emissions with origin within and outside the territory of Belas Clube de Campo.
The calculation of carbon stock and potential sink of forest area managed by Planbelas focused on the area planted with tree species and respect the parameters established in the definition used in the Portuguese National Inventory Report (NIR) on Greenhouse Gases, 1990-2009, APA 2011: plant formations consist of trees and have a degree of cover at least 10%, a minimum area of 0.5 hectares and a minimum width of 20 meters, in which the trees have the potential to reach a minimum height of 5 meters at maturity.
In addition to the forest stands, were also accounted the areas occupied by shrub species and that constituted overgrown areas.
With this set of indicators, the BCC can monitor and manage these two resources - water and forest, so that in partnership with its various partners (suppliers, employees, residents, among the most important), may be able to find new opportunities that, at the same time, reduce emissions and promote biodiversity and resources saving which, in a changing climate, will become scarcer and more important to preserve.